Welcome to Visitation Sisters of Alleppey - (S.V.C.)


Sisters of Visitation Congregation Alleppey (SVC) was founded in Alleppey, Kerala, India on 29th January 1924 by Servant of God, Fr. Sebastian Lawrence Casmir Presentation.



LIVE JESUS : To live Jesus we have to surrender the vital centre of our being – our heart as understood in the holistic biblical sense – to another living presence. The Pauline dictum “ I no longer live but Christ lives in me” (Gal,2: 20) is at the core of this distinctive inscription Live Jesus. Jesus is a presence to be experienced, a reality to be lived.

GIVE JESUS: Blessed Virgin Mary, our mother is a perfect example of live Jesus and give Jesus. Mary is the humble hand maid of the Lord. It was her “yes” ( obedience) to the Lord, brought heaven on earth. As soon as she received the word of God in her heart and womb, she went in haste to help her cousin Elizabeth who was in need of her service.Abandon ourselves fully to the Lord and joyfully involve in salvation history on behalf of the poor and needy.

APOSTOLATE: Education and formation of children and youth, particularly of girls with a special love and concern for the poor among them, health care ministry, service to the sick and aged, social welfare, mentally challenged women and integral development of the poor and marginalised. Sisters involve in pastoral, catechetical and Home Mission apostolate according to the needs of the church and place.


Attain perfect love experience of Jesus on the cross by involving in the life and activities of the church.

The charism of SVC is to follow Jesus, gentle and humble (Mt. 11:29) The imitation of Christ demands a life of sacrifice from the sisters who are called to practice the deep humility before God and gentleness towards neighbors. As mother Mary, lead the people of God especially the women to His salvific love and to attain Christian perfection through religious life.

Mother's Desk

(“I have called you by name, you are mine” Is: 43:1)
Live + Jesus

Everything happens for a reason: purpose-driven, at the right time and only with God’s grace and guiding hand. With this great conviction, I joined the visitation congregation of Alleppey. Through my journey here, the Almighty strengthened me for this great venture to lead the congregation into green pastures.

Firmly rooted in faith, we have slowly but steadily grown and spread our branches- reaching out in love and compassion. After establishing ourselves in the social and educational sector, we continue to make our mark by engaging with the healing ministry & also providing opportunities to poor girls. Our purpose is to build a strong platform for them so that they aspire, conquer their dreams and move on to inspire the world. Our recent endeavour in Africa has been path-breaking, especially in fostering vocations.

Visitation Spirituality

Love Experience of Jesus on the cross, who is humble and obedient to the will of his Father.

V.Rev. Fr. Sebastian L.C. Presentation


Our Religious Congregation is known as SISTERS OF VISITATION CONGREGATION OF ALLEPPEY (S.V.C.), founded at Kattoor in the Diocese of Alleppey by V.Rev. Fr. Sebastian L.C. Presentation a holy and foresighted diocesan priest on 1924.


Sr. Mary Francis de sales

Sr. Mary Michael

Sr. Mary Elizabeth

They are the Gem and Jewels of the congregation who served with extraordinary boldness in the initial difficulties.